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Specifies the search condition for the rows returned by the query.

bSQL Syntax Conventions


[ WHERE <search_condition> ]  


\< search_condition > Defines the condition to be met for the rows to be returned. There is no limit to the number of predicates that can be included in a search condition.

<search_condition> ::= 
{ ( <search_condition> ) }
[ { AND | OR } { <predicate> | ( <search_condition> ) } ]
[ ,...n ]

<predicate> ::=
{ expression { = | ! = | > | > = | < | < = } expression
| ISNULL(expression)
| ~ "regex_expression"


The following examples show how to use some common search conditions in the WHERE clause.

A. Finding a row by using a simple equality​

SELECT sector
FROM companies
WHERE name = "Boston Properties"

B. Finding rows that contain a value as part of a string​

SELECT symbol
FROM financial.companies
WHERE symbol ~ "^[a-eA-E]*$"

C. Finding rows by using a comparison operator​

SELECT symbol, price  
FROM financial.pricing
WHERE price <= 500

D. Finding rows that meet any of two conditions​

FROM financial.companies
WHERE name = "Humana Inc." OR name = "Ecolab Inc."

E. Finding rows that must meet several conditions​

SELECT symbol  
FROM financial.pricing
WHERE pricing < 100 AND 52_week_low > 90

See Also​