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Master Database

The master database records all the system-level information for a MDB system. This includes instance-wide metadata such as logon accounts, permissions, keys, and sessions. Also, master is the database that records the existence of all other databases and the location of those database files and records the initialization information. Therefore, MDB cannot start if the master database is unavailable.


The master database handles database connections and sessions. Session data is stored in the sys_sessions blockchain in the master database. When a login connects to MDB the master database assigns the session a unique ID and tracks command history in sys_sessions.


Permissions in the master database are relative to login identifiers, not users. Permissions on the master database can be granted and revoked like any user-defined database.


The following operations can't be performed on the master database:

  • Storing and exporting files.

  • Modifying or creating blockchains.

  • Disconnecting master blockchains.

  • Inserting or updating records.

  • Creating database users.


    When you work with the master database, consider the following recommendations:

  • Always have a current backup of the master database available.

  • Back up the master database after the following operations.

    • Creating a new database.
    • Creating a login.
  • Contact support by emailing blockpoint support at if the master database has become unstable.

See Also​